Q: What is happening with the BLM GoFundMe donations?
A: The majority of the GoFundMe donations will be distributed to grassroots Black-led community organisations and projects (around 60%). The remainder of the funds will be spent on developing BLMUK projects and campaigns in the longer term.
Q: How are the GoFundMe donations being distributed?
A: The GoFundMe donations are being distributed in two rounds. The first round, announced in mid Feb 2021, were small donations (£3,000 – £15,000), and one large grant of £45,000, to groups we have been working with over the past five years. A full list of the groups can be found here. The second round of funding will be open to all grassroots Black-led organisations in the UK – larger amounts will be available through an open application process. Details of this second round will be announced soon.
Q: How did you decide which groups to donate to in the first round?
A: On our GoFundMe page, we stated that the money would be spent in the following ways:
– Developing and distributing educational resources.
– Work towards making change at the level of law.
– Developing and distributing educational resources.
– Developing and delivering healing practices in Black communities.
– Developing and delivering training, police monitoring and strategies for the abolition of police. Working alongside existing anti-racist organisations to strengthen the wider movement across the UK.
– Supporting the United Family & Friends Campaign (UFFC) in accessing justice for friends and loves ones killed at the hands of British police.
– Providing emergency relief to black communities bearing the brunt of the Coronarvirus crisis.
We knew we did not have the capacity to carry out all of this work alone, but we were working in solidarity with other Black-led grassroots organisations to make it happen. The first round of funding ensured that, as quickly as possible, we could begin the work that we promised to invest in.
Q: How can my organisation apply for funding to UKBLM?
A: Details of applying for round two will be announced later in 2021. Please join our newsletter for updates.
Q: Why is it taking so long for UKBLM to decide how the money will be spent?
A: The donations from the gofundme could not be released until we had set up a legal entity, bank account and a number of other legal, financial and administrative processes. We are all volunteers, who have full time jobs, studies, caring responsibilities and the stress of lockdown. We are as eager to make use of the funds as anyone, but are determined not to rush before the necessary processes are in place, and a carefully considered plan has been formulated.
Q: What is the difference between Black Lives Matter UK and Black Liberation Movement UK?
A: There is no difference, we are one and the same. When registering as a legal entity, we had to pick a name, and Black Liberation Movement UK was the nearest available name for our registered organisation.
Q: What have you been doing since the protests of 2020?
A: Please see the News section of the website for some of the activities we’ve been engaged in since the protests in summer 2020.
Q: Did you organise the 2020 protests?
A: While mourning the public execution of George Floyd and working out the best way forward, rather than calling mass protests on the streets, we made the decision to support those already demonstrating. We worked with other organisations to carry out police monitoring and arrestee support at many of the demonstrations.
Q: Why are your names and faces not all listed on this website?
A: Some of our members are public-facing others are not. We all have personal responsibilities, jobs, children, families. Since starting in 2015 many of our members have faced hostility from far-right groups and the right-wing press, including the harassment of our families. Our priority is to ensure our members are safe. We believe that we can continue to grow as an organisation and do the work we are called to do whilst also making sure our members are safe. Our public-facing members have done a number of media interventions and public events. Make sure to follow us on your preferred social media platforms for more appearances and public events.
Q: Is UKBLM a Black organisation?
A: All UKBLM organisers are Black (of African descent) and all funds raised will be used to support projects which uplift the Black community and have Black leadership, campaigns and organisations across the country, with a view to building a Black political movement.
Q: Is UKBLM a Marxist organisation?
A: No we are not a Marxist organisation. While some of the members of UKBLM are Marxists, not all members are. We are however, all anti-capitalists, and are committed to dismantle class as well as gender and racial domination.