
Transform Education

Black children are three times more likely to be permanently excluded from school than their white counterparts. Black children are more likely than average to be failed by the school system, leaving with fewer qualifications. 

In recent years, racist bullying has been fatal – with cases across the country which highlight that some schools are not safe for Black children. The recent cases of Christopher Kapessa, Shukri Abdi and Noah Donohoe illustrate how racist bullying can lead to the death of Black children, and many schools are unable or unwilling to tackle racism adequately. Racism and other forms of discimination in schools must end. 

So while we support the call to decolonise the curriculum, we also know with Black children three times more likely to be excluded from school than their white peers, that we must fight to make sure that schools are a safe space for ALL children. 

We want:

  • An end to school exclusion and offrolling 
  • An end to school-police partnerships including Prevent and racial profiling of students
  • A curriculum which includes British colonial, Black and Global South histories and literature. This should be led by experts in these fields, including Black academics.
  • Mental health provision, social care and youth services in all schools
  • More investment in SEN services in schools
  • Investment in anti-racist education and accountability for schools which do not tackle racism and other forms of discrimination and violence from either students or staff
  • The reinstatement of the Educational Maintenance Allowance
  • Abolition of Tuition Fees and student debt.
  • Investment in education and training for all students on gender-based violence, patriarchy, consent and LGBTQI rights and an end to university tuition fees, which leave students with the burden of debt

Groups: No More Exclusions, CAGE, Consented UK, The Black Curriculum, The Free Black University, Prevent Watch, Rhodes Must Fall, Voices That Shake