November 2020: Britain is Not Innocent

Britain is Not Innocent – A Netpol report on the policing of Black Lives Matter protests in Britain’s towns and cities in 2020.
UKBLM’s Adam Elliott-Cooper published this report on the policing of the summer protests – one of the key findings is that the policing of the protests was institutionally racist. You can read the report on the NetPol website.

November 2020: 1Xtra Talks

What Issues Do You Face If You’re Young, Black and British?
A panel of black artists, influencers and activists, including BLMUK’s Joshua Virasami, discuss issues facing young, Black, Britons today. You can listen back to the show on the 1xtra website.

October 2020: How To Change It

How To Change It Make a Difference. #2 in the Series: Merky How To series. UKBLM’s Joshua Virasami sets out several lessons for successful campaigning, drawing on the experience and actions of a number of activist and political movements. You can check out the book here.

October 2020: BLM UK gains legal status

Registration as a Community Benefit Society enables UKBLM to access donations of £1.2m and invite people to join.

September 2020: Protest Against Police Racism and Violence

UKBLM partner with Tottenham Rights, The Monitoring Group and 4Front Project to organise a rally outside Scotland Yard to protest police brutality and racism

August 2020: Sistah Space Protest

UKBLM speaks at a protest outside Hackney Town Hall in solidarity with Sistah Space, one of the few black-run womens’ shelters in London. For more information, follow Sistah Space on Twitter.

August 2020: Mark Duggan Memorial Protest

UKBLM partners with Justice 4 Mark Duggan Campaign, Tottenham Rights, 4Front Project and Stopwatch to organise a mass gathering outside Tottenham Police Station.

June 2020: Black Lives Matter unveil billboard

The billboard action was in partnership with Grenfell United, United Family and Friends Campaign, Justice for Shukri Abdi, Justice for Belly and Migrants Organise.

June 2020: Doorstep Noise

UKBLM worked with @Raceandhealth to organise national doorstep protest to highlight that black and other racialised minorities are more likely to die from Covid-19. Find out more about our vision for tackling racism in healthcare in the OUR DEMANDS section. You can read more about the action in Nadine White’s article in the Huffington Post.

May – July 2020: Police monitoring and arrestee support at protests

UKBLM works with Green & Black Cross, NetPol, LCAPSV, The Monitoring Group, StopWatch, Liberty, Northern Police Monitoring Project & Black Legal Protest Support to provide police monitoring and arrestee support during Black Lives Matter Protests.